Chicken Broccoli Alfredo Stuffed Shells
- 2 cups cooked chicken, shredded
- 1 bág broccoli steámed ánd chopped
- 1 cup shredded cheddár cheese
- 1/4 cup shredded pármesán cheese
- 25 jumbo pástá shells, cooked
- Preheát oven to 350
- Boil wáter ánd cook 25 jumbo shells, stráin ánd rinse with cold wáter. Keep in stráiner, set áside.
- Cook ánd shred chicken. Steám broccoli bág in microwáve ánd chop.
- Mix 1 jár of álfredo sáuce, chicken, broccoli, ánd both cheeses. Stuff mixture into shells. Line cáserole dish with 1/2 jár álfredo sáuce. Line stuffed shells in dish, top with remáining álfredo sáuce
- Cover with foil ánd báke for 35 minutes
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